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At Pacific Ghost Forestry Services, we support wildlife and wildlife habitat conservation.  We do this not only through our work projects, but also through our wallets and free time.  As a 2% Certified Business, we've elected to donate 1% of our annual receipts to conservation oriented non-profit groups, as well as donate 1% of our time each year to conservation oriented projects.  This equates to thousands of dollars we give back to conservation, as well as dozens of hours of our free time, bettering habitat and supporting wildlife populations.  Wildlife conservation is extremely important to us, and it remains at the forefront of our thoughts, both on and off the clock.  As our client, you are supporting the improvement of wildlife habitat, be it through projects on your own property, or somewhere in our region as a result of hiring our firm.  We appreciate your partnership in this endeavor that is so important to us as a company.  

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